Secondary effects of the oncological treatment from the perspective of the physician reviewer
V. Abrahámová
Authors‘ workplace:
Referát lékařské posudkové služby OSSZ Jihlava
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 11, 2008, č. 3, s. 63-73
The care of oncological patients does not include exclusively the treatment of the somatic disease itself but also psychological support is the inherent part of the care nowadays. The oncological patient is handicapped in many directions: he/she is excluded from the working process for a shorter or longer time and his/her activities are often significantly limited. The aim of all participants of the care is to minimize or remove, if possible, these obstacles. The social security and pensions insurance play an important role in this process. The long-term working disability (many months) is expected in pa- tients with malignant tumours, in many of them the following working recovery is problematic and these patients usually apply for a disability status. These patients usually fullfil preconditions for allowances of social care and services during the acute phase of the oncological disease, in the course of treatment, during the manifestation of symptoms of the disease and consequent adverse effects of the demanding complex treatment.
Key words:
oncological treatment – sickness insurance – disability – degree of dependence – extra benefits – social care allowances – health handicapped person – state social support
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2008 Issue 3
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