Introduction to Approaching Autism within the Contexts of the Neurodiversity Paradigm and the Person-Centred Approach
Csémy Miklós 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Soukromá praxe Neurodiverzita. cz, Plaská 7, 150 00 Praha
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2023; 7(2): 19-26
Main topic
The aim of this review is to describe the role of the neurodiversity paradigm in the perception of Autism and other neurodevelopmental phenomena and to evaluate its implications for clinical practice. The diagnostic criteria and conceptualisation of Autism have undergone a number of changes over the past hundred years. Initially, Autism was part of the concept of schizophrenia, followed by Kanner’s concept, which was later expanded to include Asperger’s syndrome; significant generalising changes in the classification of Autism are evident in the 5th edition of the DSM and the 11th edition of the ICD. Traditional medical models of Autism, such as the Triad of Impairments and the Theory of Mind are insufficient in describing a client’s autistic experience, due to the splitting nature of medical language. Splitting may influence intervention modalities, as well as how parents and professionals approach the client, and the client's own identity. The contribution of diagnosis to clinical practice is therefore limited; diagnostic tools for Autism are largely not designed to correctly differentiate co-occurring conditions, particularly trauma. Working off the diagnosis involves the risk of confusing events meaningful in the context of the client's individual development for attributes tied to the diagnosis. The language of the neurodiversity paradigm provides a way to relate to the totality of the client's experience.
Autism, ADHD, trauma, neurodiversity
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