Speech pronunciation disorders in German language – the review
Keul Ramona 1; Brudnicki Magdalena 1; Osiecki Nina 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Katholische Klinikum Koblenz-Montabaur
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2018; 2(1): 30-38
Main topic
Speech pronunciation disorders in German language is the main reason why children come to speech therapist office. The majority is between the age of 3-6, it presents 16% of the population (Fox-Boyer, 2014a). The basic method for assessing the specification of their speech impairment is the “Dodd” classification model (1995, 2005). This method analysis whether the impairment is caused by phonetic disability, phonological retardation or consequent or non-consecvent phonological disability. The psycho-linquistical method of child speech impairment analyses (PLAKSS-II, Fox- Boyer, 2014b) is based on a reliable exercise of naming pictures that are, in the German language used to examine the quality of pronunciation. In the therapy, there are two different approaches, motorical and phonological. The common method is the Psycho-linquistical oriented phonological therapy (P.O.P.T., Fox-Boyer, 2014c). This method takes, when analysing the impairment, the Steakhouse and Wellse model into account (1997).
PDSS – speech pronunciation disorders – Dod classification model – PLAKSS II – motororiented therapy – phonological oriented therapy
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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

2018 Issue 1
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