Journal of Czech Physicians - Issue 2/2017
Prevention in psychiatry
Jiří Raboch
Review Article
Prevention of eating disorders
Hana Papežová
Life style and affective disorders
Jiří Raboch
Original Article
Work-related stress and mental health – can work lead to mental disorders?
Radek Ptáček, Martina Vňuková, Jiří Raboch
A note on application of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire on quality of life in the Czech enviroment
doc. Mgr. Vladimír Rogalewicz, Ph.D., PhDr. Miroslav Barták, Ph.D., Milena Sihelníková
Journal of Czech Physicians

Most read in this issue
- A note on application of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire on quality of life in the Czech enviroment
- Work-related stress and mental health – can work lead to mental disorders?
- Suicide − a serious health and social problem with the possibility of prevention
- Prevention of eating disorders