What does "Smoke-free Hospital" mean?
Lenka Štěpánková
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum pro závislé na tabáku, 3. interní klinika – klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2017; 156: 24-27
Original Article
"Smoke-free Hospital" is the name of a gradual and long-term project, with the really smoke-free hospital as the final goal. The project is based on the process itself that leads to such a status. European Network of Smoke-free Hospitals (ENSH, www.ensh.org) provides detailed instructions and recommendations regarding actions to be implemented. The main objective of the network is "to deliver safe quality care in relation to tobacco for every service user, every time and everywhere".
Each hospital could identify its own sub-goals and methods of implementation, but it is important to assess the achieved steps regularly. It is advisable to focus attention e.g. to introduction of non-smoking areas, monitoring tobacco use among both patients and staff, providing brief interventions in smoking cessation as well as intensive tobacco dependence treatment, training of staff in intervening, organizing health promoting events both for the staff and the public. Several actions in 2016 connected with ENSH in the Czech Republic and on the international level are listed. The new Czech legislation regarding smoking in hospitals is also mentioned.
Smoke-free Hospital, Health Promoting Hospital, smoking, tobacco dependence, treatment
1. European Network of Smoke-free Hospitals. Global Standards. Dostupné na: www.ensh.org/docs/34-2016 02 15__ENSH-Global Standards.pdf
2. Štěpánková L, Králíková E, Bláha M. Complex approach to tobacco control in the General University Hospital in Prague. Clinical Health Promotion 2016; 6(Suppl. 1): 248. Dostupné na: www.hphconferences.org/uploads/media/Abstractbook_2016_Connecticut.pdf
3. Whitehead D. Health Promoting Hospitals: the role and function of nursing. J Clin Nurs 2005; 14(1): 20–27.
4. European Network of Smoke-free Hospitals. The self audit tool. Dostupné na: www.ensh.org/most-downloaded.php?id=39
5. The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. The new global HPH strategy 2016–2018. Dostupné na: http://norskhph.no/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/HPH_Global_Strategy_2016_2018_A3-format.pdf
6. Vládní návrh zákona o ochraně zdraví před škodlivými účinky návykových látek. Dostupné na: www.psp.cz/sqw/text/tiskt.sqw?O=7&CT=828&CT1=0
7. New Haven Recommendations. Dostupné na: www.mzcr.cz/KvalitaABezpeci/dokumenty/-new-haven-recommendations-_13274_3628_29.html
8. Martínez C, Garcia M, Méndez E et al. Barriers and challenges for tobacco control in a smoke-free hospital. Cancer Nurs 2008; 31(2): 88–94.
9. WHO Tobacco Free Initiative. Report on the global tobacco epidemic. The MPOWER package. WHO, 2008. Dostupné na: www.who.int/tobacco/mpower
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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