Twin studies in stomatology
Miroslava Švábová 1; Eva Velíšková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav biologie a lékařské genetiky 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
1; Ortodontická ordinace Stomatologické praxe MUDr. M. Zucha, Brno
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2013; 152: 175-179
Review Article
Twin studies are an important instrument to estimate the influence of genetics and environment on the origin of complex traits. The survey of the most important studies concerning oral facial region published from the half of the last century until recent days is given.
twin studies in stomatology – heredity of oral facial anomalies
1. Bouchard TJ, Jr, Lykken DT, McGue M, Segal NL, Tellegen A. Sources of human psychological differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. Science 1990; 250: 223–250.
2. Townsend GC, Aldred MJ, Bartold PM. Genetic aspects of dental disorders. Aust Dent J 1998; 43(4): 269–286.
3. Townsend GC, Richards L, Hughes T, Pinkerton S, Schwerdt W. The value of twins in dental research. Aust Dent J 2003; 48(2): 82–88.
4. Townsend G, Richards L, Messer LB, et al. Genetic and environmental influences on dentofacial structures and oral health: studies of Australian twins and their families. Twin Res Hum Genet 2006; 9(6): 727–732.
5. Laxová R. Dopis Alexandrovi. Brno: Barrister & Principal 2010.
6. Pěnkavová-Velíšková E, Zahálková M. Význam výskytu a morfologie tubeculum Carabelli pro stanovení zygosity dvojčat. Čs. Stomat. 1970; 70(6): 343–349.
7. Velíšková E. Význam růstu pro hodnocení kraniofaciální morfologie u identických dvojčat. Čs. Stomat. 1977; 70(4): 271–276.
8. Kraus BS, Wise WJ, Frei RH. Heredity and the craniofacial complex. Am J Orthod 1959; 45(3): 172–217.
9. Lundström A. Tooth Morphology as a Basis for Distiguishing Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins. Am J Hum Genet 1963; 15(1): 34–43.
10. Dempsey PJ, Townsend GC, Martin NG, Neale MC. Genetic covariance structure of incisor crown size in twins. J Dent Res 1995; 74(7): 1389–1398.
11. Hughes T, Dempsey P, Richards L, Townsend G. Genetic analysis of deciduous tooth size in Australian twins. Arch Oral Biol 2000; 45(11): 997–1004.
12. Townsend G, Richards L, Hughes T. Molar intercuspal diomensions: genetic input to phenotypic variation. J Dent Res 2003; 82(5): 350–355.
13. Su CY, Corby PM, Elliot MA, Studen-Pavlovich DA, et al. Inheritance of occlusal topography: a twin study. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2008; 9(1): 19–24.
14. Liu H, Deng H, Cao CF, Ono H. Genetic analysis of dental traits in 82 pairs of female-female twins. Chin J Dent Res 1998; 1(3): 12–16.
15. Marková M, Tajchmanová Z. Incidence of orthodontic anomalies in schoolchildren in Prague. Acta Univ Carol Med 1985; 31: 415–433.
16. Lapter M, Slaj M, Skrinjaric I, Muretic Z. Inheritance of hypodontia in twins. Coll Antropol 1998; 22(1): 291–298.
17. Townsend GC, Richards L, Hughes T, Pinkerton S, Schwerdt W. Epigenetic influences may explain dental differences in monozygotic twin pairs. Aust Dent J 2005; 50(2): 95–100.
18. Hughes TE, Bockmann MR, Seow K, et al. Strong genetic control of emergence of human primary incisors. J Dent Res 2007; 86(12): 1160–1165.
19. Leonardi R, Peck S, Caltabiano M, Barbato E. Palatally Displaced Canine Anomaly in Monozygotic Twins. Angle Orthodontist 2003; 73(4): 466–470.
20. Camilleri S, Lewis CM, McDonald F. Ectopic maxillary canines: segregation analysis and a twin study. J Dent Res 2008; 87(6): 580–583.
21. Hughes T, Thomas C, Richards L, Townsend G. A study of occlusal variation in the primary dentition of Australian twins and singletons. Arch Oral Biol 2001; 46(9): 857–864.
22. Kawala B, Antoszewska J, Necka A. Genetics or environment? A twin-method study of malocclusions. World J Orthod 2007; 8(4): 405–410.
23. Mew J. Facial changes in identical twins treated by different orthodontic techniques. World J Orthod 2007; 8(2): 174–188.
24. Velíšková E, Švábová M. Kraniofaciální profil mono a dizygotních dvojčat, přednáška na XIII. kongresu České ortodontické společnosti, Luhačovice 2012.
25. Manfredi C, Martina R, Grossi GB, Giuliani M. Heritability of 39 orthodontic cephalometric parameters on MZ, DZ twins and MN- paired singletons, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1997; 111(1): 44–51.
26. Savoye I, Loos R, Carels C, Derom C, Vlietinck R. A genetic study of anteroposterior and vertical facial proportions using model-fitting. Angle Orthod 1998; 68(5): 467–470.
27. Sonnesen L, Pallisgaard C, Kjaer I. Cervical column morphology and craniofacial profiles in monozygotic twins. Twin Res Hum Genet 2008; 11(1): 84–92.
28. Vanco C, Kasai K, Sergi R, Richards LC, Townsend GC. Geneticand environmental inlfluences on facial profile. Aust Dent J 1995; 40(2): 104–109.
29. Tangchaitrong K, Messer LB, Thomas CD, Townsend GC. Fourier analysis of facial profiles of young twins. Am J Phys Anthropol 2000; 113(3): 369–379.
30. Naini FB, Moss PJ. Three-dimensional assessment of the relative contribution of genetics and environment to various facial parameters with the twin method, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004; 126(6): 655–665.
31. Smith RN, Townsend G, Chen K, Brook A. Synetic superimposition of dental 3D data: application in twin studies. Front Oral Biol 2009; 13: 142–147.
32. Michalowicz BS, Pihlstrom BL, Hodges JS, Bouchard TJ Jr. No heritability of temporomandibular joint signs and symptoms. J Dent Res 2000; 79(8): 1573–1578.
33. Matsuka Y, Nagamatsu C, Itoh S, et al. Comparison of inter-twin concordance in symptoms of temporomandibular disorders: a preliminary investigation in an adolescent twin population. Cranio 2007; 25(1): 23–29.
34. Ngan NC, Kharbanda OP, Byloff FK, Darendeliler MA. The genetic contribution to orthodontic root resorption: a retrospective twin study. Aust Orthod J 2004; 20(1): 1–9.
35. Dooland KV, Townsend GC, Kaidonis JA. Prevalence and side preference for tooth grinding in twins. Aust Dent J 2006; 51(3): 219–224.
36. Michalowicz BS. Genetic and heritable risk factors in periodontal disease. J Periodontol 1994; 65(5 Suppl): 479–488.
37. Boraas JC, Messer LB, Till MJ. A genetic contribution to dental caries, occlusion, and morphology as demonstrated by twins reared apart. J Dentn Res 1988; 67(9): 1150–1155.
38. Conry JP, Messer LB, Boraas JC, Aeppli DP, Bouchard TJ Jr. Dental caries and treatment characteristic in human twins reared apart. Arch Oral Biol 1993; 38(11): 937–943.
39. Bretz WA, Corby PM, Schork NJ, et al. Longitudinal analysis of heritatability for dental caries traits. J Dent Res 2005; 84(11): 1047–1051.
40. Bretz WA, Corby PM, Melo MR, et al. Heritability estimates for dental caries and sucrose sweetness preference. Arch oral Biol 2006; 51(12): 1156–1160.
41. Corruccini RS, Townsend GC. Decline in enamel hypoplasia in relation to fluoridation in Australians. Am J Hum Biol 2003; 15(6): 795–799.
42. Townsend G, Hughes T, Luciano M, Bockmann M, Brook A. Genetic and environmental influences on human dental variation: A critical evaulation of studies involving twins. Arch oral Biol 2009; 54(S1): S45–S51.
43. Race JP, Townsend GC, Hughes TE. Chorion type, birth weight discordance and tooth –size variability in Australian monozygotic twins. Twin Res Hum Genet 2006; 9(2): 285–291.
Addictology Allergology and clinical immunology Angiology Audiology Clinical biochemistry Dermatology & STDs Paediatric gastroenterology Paediatric surgery Paediatric cardiology Paediatric neurology Paediatric ENT Paediatric psychiatry Paediatric rheumatology Diabetology Pharmacy Vascular surgery Pain management Dental HygienistArticle was published in
Journal of Czech Physicians

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