Morphology and etiopathogenesis of the abdominal aortic aneurysm
Lada Eberlová 1,2; Zbyněk Tonar 1; Věra Křížková 1; Jitka Kočová 1; Marie Korabečná 3; Vladislav Třeška 4; Jiří Moláček 4; Karel Houdek 4; Ludmila Boudová 5; Ondřej Topolčan 6; Jindra Vrzalová 6; Martin Pešta 6; Vlastimil Kulda 7; Lukáš Nedorost 1; Jiří Valenta 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav histologie a embryologie Lékařské fakulty UK, Plzeň
1; Ústav anatomie Lékařské fakulty UK, Plzeň
2; Ústav biologie Lékařské fakulty UK, Plzeň
3; Chirurgická klinika FN, Plzeň
4; Šiklův ústav patologie FN, Plzeň
5; Centrální laboratoř pro imunoanalýzu, 2. interní klinika FN, Plzeň
6; Ústav lékařské chemie a biochemie Lékařské fakulty UK, Plzeň
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2012; 151: 55-63
Review Article
The paper summarizes the latest research on the abdominal aorta aneurysm etiopathogenesis and compares normal aorta morphology with changes in the aortic aneurysm wall. The role of risk factors, especially hemodynamic and genetic, is discussed in detail. Special attention is paid to inflammatory processes including cytokines and matrix degrading proteases that contribute to the development of aneurysm. The role of thrombus and the current results of research into biomarkers indicating the risks and progression of the disease are analysed. Finally, a review of pharmacomodulation of the aortic aneurysm using statins, antibiotics, antihypertensive and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is presented.
Key words:
abdominal aortic aneurysm, histology, etiopathogenesis, biomarkers, pharmacomodulation. Eb.
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