Adipose tissue blood flow and metabolic syndrome
Richard Sotorník
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 3. lékařská fakulta, II. interní klinika FNKV
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 155-159
Review Article
Worldwide growth of obesity and prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus reach the extent of a pandemy and represent a considerable medical and economic problem. An attention devoted to adipose tissue has led to the shift in general perception of its importance. It becomes evident that adipose tissue is not by far only an energy store with thermal and mechanical protection of other organs and body. A number of important functions in intermediary metabolism and hormonal interactions with other tissues have been disclosed. Metabolic flexibility of adipose tissue represents an essential protection against undesirable effects of excessive energy intake. Nevertheless, after exceeding of its physiological capacity adipose tissue becomes an important cause of insulin resistance, oxidative stress and a number of other derangements leading to atherosclerosis progression and increase of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Not only adipocytes but also stromal cells and vascular bed participate in the physiological and pathological functions of adipose tissue. Adequate regulation of adipose tissue blood flow ensures communication with other systems and appropriate reactions to energy needs of the organism. Disturbances in adipose tissue blood flow evolve at early stages of obesity and participate in the worsening of metabolic syndrome.
Key words:
adipose tissue blood flow, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin, insulin resistance.
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