Can Hormonal Contraception Influence Plasma Levels of IGF-1 andIGFBP-1 in Gracile Women With PCOS?

Authors: G. Šindelka;  D. Cibula;  M. Fanta;  Z. Kasalová;  V. Justová;  Z. Lacinová;  J. Škrha
Authors‘ workplace: III. interní klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2001; : 469-472


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) represents a frequent endocrinopathy among fertile women.Ethiopathogenesis of the syndrome is multifactorial and it is a subject of scientific discussions. Considered is thepossibility of intraovarial IGF system disorder affecting maturation of ovarial folicles. The aim of our work was todetermine effects of peroral contraceptives with low-androgen progestin on IGF system in PCOS patients and healthywoman controls.Methods and Results. 14 patients fulfilling diagnostic criteria of PCOS and 7 healthy controls were included intothe study. All persons were examined before and after six months lasting administration of monophasic estrogen--progesteron contraceptive therapy with 35 mg of ethinylestradiol per day and 250 mg of low-androgen progestinnorgestimate per day. In PCOS patients low increase of basal insulinemia levels occurred (16.3±4.8 vs. 20.8±4.8 mU.l-1, p

Key words:
polycystic ovary syndrome, IGF, insulinemia.

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