Right ventricle in severe pulmonary hypertension in congenital heart defects – different and specific.
Iveta Šimková 1; Monika Kaldarárová 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika kardiológie a angiológie LF SZU a NÚSCH, a. s., Bratislava, Slovenská republika, vedúci pracoviska prof. MUDr. Robert Hatala, CSc.
1; NÚSCH a. s. – Detské kardiocentrum Bratislava, Slovenská republika, vedúci pracoviska prof. MUDr. Jozef Mašura, CSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(4): 359-365
60th Birthday - prof. MUDr. Petr Widimský, DrSc., FESC, FACC
Right ventricle (RV) is frequently neglected in comparison with left ventricle in many aspects – pathogenetic, diagnostic or therapy. In contrast with this, right chamber is pathologically an active part in severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) associated with congenital heart defects and also importantly influences its course and prognosis. Life expectancy and quality of life do not depend on pulmonary pressure. Inversely, function and status of RV is determining. Eisenmenger´s syndrome presents an extreme severe form of PAH. Unique adaptation ability of different and specific RV causes better symptomatic image of patients with Eisenmenger´s syndrome among all patients with PAH.
congenital heart defect – Eisenmenger´s syndrome – right ventricle – pulmonary arterial hypertension
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2014 Issue 4
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