Methods of economic analysis of screening programs. Situation in Czech Republic.
Jana Bartáková; Jan Jiskra
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Štěpán Svačina, DrSc., MBA
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(3): 212-215
In the process of reducing health budget the question of the effectiveness of investment in population-based screening programs is very actual. Because of the scope, screening is becoming very expensive and burdens healthy people. An essential part of any screening program is careful consideration, registration and monitoring of the results. Here economic analysis are irreplaceable. They enable an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the use of resources and thus become an important basis for decision-making about the allocation of scarce resources for improving the health status of the population. The present text deals with the basic types of economic analysis, including their significance and possibilities when making decisions about recommended screening procedures in the Czech Republic.
Key words:
cost-effectiveness analysis – economic analysis – health care costs – screening
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Internal Medicine

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