Modern technologies in diabetology. CSII (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion) and CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) in clinical practice
J. Olšovský
Authors‘ workplace:
Diabetologické centrum II. interní kliniky Lékařské fakulty MU a FN u sv. Anny Brno, přednosta prof. MUDr. Miroslav Souček, CSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2011; 57(11): 919-922
Modern diabetology is closely associated with the use of modern technologies; glucometres are now widely clinically used and it is difficult to envisage diabetology without these devices. At present, CSII and CGM are less frequently used but they certainly are equally exciting. The author discusses both methods individually as well their interrelationship, mainly from the perspective of their optimal use.
Key words:
diabetes mellitus – continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion – continuous glucose monitoring
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine
2011 Issue 11
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