Relati onship between quality of life and BODE index of stable ex-smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Authors: V. Koblížek 1;  F. Salajka 1;  Eva Čermáková 2;  M. Tomšová 3;  D. Pohnětalová 3;  P. Papo ušek 4;  V. Bartoš 1;  T. Dobešová 1;  Z. Paráková 1;  J. Ruta 1;  V. Sedlák 1
Authors‘ workplace: Plicní klinika Lékařské fakulty UK a FN Hradec Králové, přednosta doc. MU Dr. František Salajka, CSc. 1;  Ústav lékařské biofyziky Lékařské fakulty UK Hradec Králové, přednosta doc. Ing. Josef Hanuš, CSc. 2;  Fingerlandův ústav patologie Lékařské fakulty UK a FN Hradec Králové, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Aleš Ryška, Ph. D. 3;  Ústav patologické fyziologi e Lékařské fakulty UK Hradec Králové, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Miroslav Kuba, CSc. 4
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2009; 55(10): 940-947
Category: Original Contributions


Background and aim:

This study was carried o ut to assess relationship between quality of life (QoL) and disease severity expressed by multifactorial prognostic index (BODE) in ex- smokers suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), minimally 8 weeks free of exacerbation. Materials and methods: The evaluati on was performed in 98 randomly recruited COPD patients enrolled into a cross- sectional, observational CILIARY study at the Department of Pneumology, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. In them, quality of life evaluati on using the SGRQ questionnaire and the BODE index calculati on was performed. We statistically compared interrelationship between BODE and COPD stages, SGRQ and COPD stages and interrelation of BODE and SGRQ.

We found significant differences in QoL of COPD patients and QoL in group of he althy volunteers (p < 0.001). Lower QoL and higher BODE score were associated with a higher stages of COPD (p < 0.001), with the excepti on non‑significant difference in QoL (SGRQ score) and BODE index between stages I and II. Our study fo und positive correlati on between the all SGRQ scores and multidimensional prognostic BODE index (r = 0.431– 0.704). The strongest correlation (r = 0.704) was evident in activity domain of SGRQ.

Our results proved close correlation of qu ality of life (SGRQ) and multidimensional prognostic score (BODE) in stable COPD ex­smokers’ populati on. Both these scoring systems are useful tools for the assessment of clinical course and stratification of severity of COPD. However at present both scales are minimally used in the Czech Republic.

Key words:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) –  St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) –  Health-Related Quality of Life Questionanaire (HRQOL) –  BODE index –  forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) –  body mass index (BMI) –  Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnea scale


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