The role of transesophageal echocardiopgraphy in detection of cardiogenic and aortic sources of embolism in stroke and transient ischaemic attacks
J. Dúbrava 1; R. Garay 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddelenie funkčnej diagnostiky FNsP Bratislava, pracovisko Petržalka, Slovenská republika, prednosta prim. MUDr. Juraj Dúbrava, Ph. D.
1; Neštátne neurologické oddelenie, NEURÓN PLUS, s. r. o., Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta prim. MUDr. Róbert Garay, CSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2006; 52(2): 144-151
Original Contributions
To prospectively investigate the prevalence of definite and potential sources of cardiogenic embolism and embolism from ascending aorta and aortic arch in patients with a cryptogenic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA).
The study group consisted of 218 consecutive patients (146 males, mean age 59.4 ± 11.5, range 38 - 83 years) without significant stenoses of carotic and vertebral arteries. All patients underwent biplane/multiplane transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). 77.5 % of patients suffered a stroke and 22.5 % had a TIA. Sinus rhythm was in 74.8 % of the patients, atrial fibrillation in 22.0 % and pacemaker rhythm in 3.2 %.
1. Definite source of embolism was identified in 21.6 % of patients. The most frequent finding was a thrombus of the left atrial (LA) appendage - 12.4 %. Less frequently found were mobile thrombus of aortic arch - 3.7 %, thrombus of LA body - 2.3 %, left ventricular thrombus - 2.3 %, thrombus of valvular prosthesis - 1.4 % and heart tumor - 0.5 %. 2. The total prevalence of potential sources of embolism was 61.5 %. Only potential source (without definite source) was demonstrated in 52.3 % of patients. Very frequently were found patent foramen ovale - 58.3 % and atherosclerosis of ascending aorta or aortic arch - 53.7 %. Further sources were LA spontaneous echocontrast - 21.1 %, reduced function of LA appendage - 18.3 %, atrial septal aneurysm - 7.8 %, atrial septal defect - 1.4 %, cardiac foreign body - 0.5 %. 3. TEE did not reveal any source of embolism in 26.1 % of patients.
1. 21.6 % of the patients suffering from stroke/TIA without hemodynamically significant stenoses of extracranial cerebral arteries had a definite cardiogenic or aortic source of embolism, 2. additional 52.3 % of patients had only potential source of embolism (without definite source), 3. we consider TEE necessary in patients with stroke/TIA without a known etiology, despite complete neurological examination and transthoracic echocardography.
Key words:
stroke - transient ischaemic attack - cardiogenic embolism - aortic source of embolism - transesophageal echocardiography
1. 21,6 % pacientov s LIM/TIA bez hemodynamicky významných stenóz na extrakraniálnych mozgových tepnách malo definitívny kardiogénny alebo aortálny zdroj embolizácie.
2. Ďalších 52,3 % pacientov malo len potenciálny zdroj embolizácie (bez definitívneho zdroja).
3. TEE považujeme za potrebné, ak neurologické vyšetrenie vrátane ultrasonografie extrakraniálnych mozgových tepien a TTE nevysvetlia príčinu LIM/TIA.
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