Social characteristic and dynamic of their changes during 25 years in the acute inpatient geriatric ward

Authors: Pavel Weber;  Hana Meluzínová;  Vlasta Polcarová;  Hana Matějovská Kubešová;  Dana Weberová;  Katarína Bielaková
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika interní, geriatrie a praktického lékařství LF MU a FN Brno
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2021, 10, č. 3: 160-166
Category: Original Article


Aim: Older people are an extremely heterogeneous group of people with different manifestations in the biological, mental and social spheres.

Methodology: A retrospective cohort study focused on analyzing and comparing the data collected over 25 years. The monitored parameters were age, mean length of hospital stay, social status and the form of termination of hospitalization. Between 1995 and 2020, we treated a total of 28,238 elderly patients (≥65 years; range 65–105 years) who were hospitalized in the acute geriatric ward. There were a total of 18,066 – ie 64 % women (age 81.7±7.7 years) and 10,172 men – ie 36 % (age 79.0±7.6 years).

Results: The age difference between the two groups was statistically significant (t = 24.418; p <0.01). On average, hospitalized women were almost 3 years older than men. For men, the average age of hospitalizations increases, while for women there is a slight decrease over 25 years. The median length of hospital stay for both sexes tends to decrease significantly from the original 15–17 days to the current 9.5 days. The number of hospitalized younger seniors (65–74 years) is declining, while the oldest seniors (85 years and older) are on the rise for both sexes. Social status shows that for men, the proportion of married people among the hospitalized is rising while the number of widowers is decreasing. The trend of a decrease in exits and translations to a long term care facility is evident, while the trend of men dismissed home is experiencing a significant increase. The situation with translations to other acute departments and transfers to social facilities has been relatively stable for 25 years.

Conclusion: Our data point to the importance of monitoring these parameters and the indivisible integrity of health and social issues in the elderly.


geriatrization of medicine – Social status – seniorization of the population – acute hospitalization of elderly people – loneliness – transfers and termination of hospitalization.

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Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 3

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