Assessment of needs and quality of life in patient with advanced chronic heart failure in palliative care
H. Novotná; M. Kala
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2018, 7, č. 1: 27-32
Original Article
Advanced chronic heart failure (CHF) is a serious disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. It is important to pay more attention physical, mental, social and spiritual needs for patients with advanced incurable chronic disease. Evaluation of these needs is one of the important priorities for palliative care. The main aim of the dissertation was to find out the subjective perception of the quality of life and to evaluate the importance and to meet the needs of the patients with advanced form of chronic heart failure who are provided with general palliative care. The other was to identifify of differences in the evaluation of the individual determinants of the quality of life among patients with advanced CHF and oncological patients in palliative care. Two questionnaires were used to collect data - the Czech version of the quality of life questionnaire for healthy and ill elderly population - WHOQOL-OLD and Patient Needs Assessment Palliative Care (PNAP). The sample consisted of 169 respondents. It turned out that the perception of the quality of life in the domain of Sensory function, Filling and Death and dying was subjectively perceived and assessed worse in patients with advanced chronic heart failure. Both sets of respondents showed the lowest level of quality of life in the Death and dying domain. Lower fullfilment of needs were achieved by patients with advanced CHF in four of the seven PNAP questionnaire domains - Physical symptoms, Sense of life and reconciliation, Autonomy, Emotional sharing compared with oncology patients. Patients with advanced chronic heart failure perceive their quality of life and fulfillment of needs worse than oncology patients in many aspects. It is obvious that the trajectory of the last phase of life of chronic and oncological illness may differ.
quality of life – assessment of Leeds – advanced chronic heart silure – palliative care
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology

2018 Issue 1
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