General Practitioner - Issue 6/2020
Health effects of coal combustion
L. Křivohlavá
Use of the toe brachial index to detect lower extremity arterial disease in diabetics
O. Machaczka, M. Homza, P. Macounová, M. Kovalová, J. Janoutová, V. Janout
Listeriosis in the Czech Republic and the European Union – recent situation and the risk communication
M. Špačková, K. Fabiánová, J. Kynčl
Exercise in the treatment of diabetes mellitus
D. Líška, J. Vyjidak, M. Sližik
Of different specialties
Analysis and prediction of the development of the assessment of the degree of dependence for the purposes of the contribution to care for seniors with mental illness
T. Pastirčáková, L. Čeledová, R. Odložilík, R. Čevela
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia operations in a small hospital
T. Slezáková, P. Mašek, K. Chrz, K. Šafr
Polypharmacy and diabetes mellitus in seniors in social institutions
I. Bartošovič, K. Zrubáková
Selected aspects of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the context of the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 disease
L. Čechurová, P. Bureš, M. Kubát, J. Halamka
Factors influencing the quality of life of patients with heart failure
K. Bobčíková, R. Bužgová
Pracovné lekárstvo. Vybrané kapitoly I
Legáth Ubomír, Buchancová Janka, Kolektiv
General Practitioner

2020 Issue 6
Most read in this issue
- Use of the toe brachial index to detect lower extremity arterial disease in diabetics
- Listeriosis in the Czech Republic and the European Union – recent situation and the risk communication
- Health effects of coal combustion
- Exercise in the treatment of diabetes mellitus