Opinions of Czech citizens on selected aspects of activities of general practitioners – 2017
J. Bělobrádek 1; S. Býma 1; B. Seifert 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové, Ústav sociálního lékařství Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Býma, CSc.
1; 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Ústav všeobecného lékařství Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2018; 98(3): 109-115
Of different specialties
The Czech Medical Society of JEP – the Society of General Practice periodically monitors citizen’s opinions on selected aspects of general practitioner’s activities. This publication follows previous outputs of research carried out between years 2014 and 2017.
Aim and methods:
The aim of research was to identify the Czech citizen’s opinions on some aspect of general practitioner’s (GPs) work. The method of conducted interview between interviewer and respondent (face-to-face) performed by a professional agency was chosen with the aim to provide a representative sociologic research of Czech citizens. Statistical data was processed by SASD 1.4.10
In representative sociologic research 1806 citizens were interviewed. The research results are representative for Czech citizens with respect to a gender, age and region. The citizens are in vast majority satisfied with GP’s care and time spent on their examination, from which 7.6% has a negative opinion. They are also satisfied with a nurse working in a GP surgery, from which only 4.0 % has a negative opinion. Czech citizens in terms of access to GP’s use car (43%) or foot (34.7%). Mass or local transport is used in 21%. General approach to preventive examinations is not optimal. Only 47.3% of population attend examinations on basis of terms knowledge, 32.6% when GP invites them and the rest on their account. Regarding vaccination against influenza, Czech citizens are greatly divided. Only 15.3% of citizens are regularly vaccinated, 31.3% are redundant, considering that it’s a profit of pharmaceutical companies. The rest would get vaccinated under certain conditions. Citizens prefer influenza vaccinations 63.9% at their GP’s, prior to vaccine centers (3%). Rest of respondents with a positive approach to vaccination state that they decide depending on a situation. The vaccinations before journey abroad have similar proportionality. In prevention of colorectal tumors citizens generally rely on cooperation with GP’s. Only 29.2% follow terms in mind themselves. Rest of population expect GP’s or health insurance company to send a reminder. Three quarters (75.2%) of population prefer the process and testing (including the results of the test) at their GP’s. Only 6.4% of the population prefer colonoscopy in a health centre.
general practitioner – primary medical care – prevention
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2. Býma S, Seifert B, Král N. Výzkum názorů a postojů občanů České republiky k všeobecným praktickým lékařům. Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(5): 217–222.
3. Býma S, Seifert B, Král N. Názory občanů České republiky na vybrané aspekty činnosti všeobecných praktických lékařů v roce 2017. Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(4): 151–155.
4. Chan M. The rising importance of family medicine [online]. Dostupné z: http://www.who.int/dg/speeches/2013/family_medicine_20130626/en/ [cit. 16-5-2017]
5. Seifert B, Beneš V, Býma S, a kol. Všeobecné praktické lékařství. 2. vydání. Praha: Galén 2013.
6. Seifert B, Král N, Býma S. Pozitivní postoje občanů k všeobecným praktickým lékařům. Prakt. Lék. 2014; 94(5): 235–238.
7. Český statistický úřad. Věkové složení obyvatelstva České republiky v roce 2016. Stav k 31. 12. 2016. Praha: Český statistický úřad 2017.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2018 Issue 3
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