Follow-up and long-term care in the Czech Republic – an overview of the current state and changes in bed capacity from the National Health Information System
A. Pokorná 1,2; D. Dolanová 1,2; M. Bartůňková 1; L. Dušek 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav zdravotnických informací a statistiky České republiky, Praha
Ředitel: doc. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph. D.
1; Masarykova univerzita, Lékařská fakulta, Katedra ošetřovatelství, Brno
Přednostka: doc. PhDr. Miroslava Kyasová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(6): 250-258
Of different specialties
The aim of the paper is to introduce the possible resources for describing bed capacity for follow-up (after care) and long-term care, identifying possible funds and information for planning their effective usage.
Retrospective, observational, descriptive analysis for the period 2014–2015. We analysed the structure of bed capacity for follow-up and long-term care and the data from medical registers within National Health Information System (NHIS) managed by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR).
As per the NHIS data gathered from healthcare providers, in 2015 the number of beds for follow-up and long-term care increased by 216 beds (28,899 beds in total), that represents 1% increase comparing to the year 2014 (28,683 beds). The most significant changes in bed capacity were registered at hospitals (+556 beds), hospitals for follow-up care (minus 215 beds), sanatoriums for long-term sick people (minus 106 beds) and other professional healthcare institutions (minus 44 beds).
The number of beds for follow-up and long-term care increased by 216 beds in total. No significant deviations among inpatient care providers were registered in 2015. However, change of bed capacity structure was registered in 2015. Bed capacity usage in 2015 reached the same level as in 2014. Partial decline (by 5%) was registered in follow-up and long-term care beds at university hospitals. Current demographical trend requires thorough evaluation of bed capacity structure and usage in order to guarantee healthcare continuity and quality.
follow-up (after care) – long-term care – bed capacity – inpatient care
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2017 Issue 6
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