An extraordinary delivery from extrauterine pregnancy – case history
J. Kobilková; M. Šindlář; M. Strunová; D. Pavlišta
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Porodnická a gynekologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha , Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Alois Martan, DrSc.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2015; 95(4): 183-185
This historical case report describes an extraordinary case of pregnancy and singular delivery of a healthy newborn of 2100 g weight, developed outside the uterus cavity. The case is exceptional both in the Czech republic and in the Europe. The pregnant woman complained on various types of aches in the abdominal cavity, i.e. in the stomach, gall bladder and kidney regions. She kept vomiting until the end of the pregnancy. When the foetus movements started and the mother’s complaints did not cease, her general practitioner as well as her consultant specialists considered her a malingerer. During the 33 week of her pregnancy, a shock state appeared and emergency rescue transported her to the Prague Maternity Department. Correct diagnosis confirmed by ultrasound was followed by immediate abdominal surgery. The woman in the child-bed had no foregoing troubles. Nowadays, widely used ultrasound diagnostics can reveal extra-uterine pregnancy in the beginning of the development, in the majority of cases.
extraordinary delivery from extra-uterine pregnancy
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2015 Issue 4
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