Occupational Diseases in the Automotive Industry in the Central Bohemian Region
J. Jarolímek
Authors‘ workplace:
Ředitel: JUDr. Ivo Krýsa, LL. M.
; Krajská hygienická stanice Středočeského kraje se sídlem v Praze.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2013; 93(3): 100-104
Of different specialties
The article deals with the analysis of occupational diseases in the automotive industry in the Central Bohemian Region in terms of linking occupational health and socio-economic geography. The subjects of the study are three selected automobile companies in the Central Bohemian Region Region, whose importance for the country's economy goes beyond the boundaries of the chosen region. The incidence of occupational diseases in these companies did not differ from the national average of occupational diseases (2.9/10 000 employees in 2011). This article aims to test hypotheses about the relationship between the incidence of occupational diseases, worker’s gender, age, and the average wage on one hand and the unemployment rate in the district on the other hand. My research has shown that occupational diseases are significantly more common in women than in men (RR = 9.71, 95% CI: 4.8 to 20.1) and in persons over 40 years of age compared with younger people (RR = 3.38, 95% CI: 1.7 to 6.8). The author’s assumption that in districts with higher unemployment rates the incidence of occupational diseases is lower, has not been confirmed, while this trend of increasing incidence of occupational diseases was signalled with rising unemployment. The article suggests some recommendations for the prevention of occupational diseases mainly focused on quality implementation of occupational health care - especially entrance and periodic medical examinations.
occupational diseases – automotive industry – ecological correlational study – unemployment – risk factors – public health authorities
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