Gambling in children and adolescents
K. Nešpor 1; L. Csémy 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Odděleni léčby závislostí – muži
Psychiatrická léčebna Bohnice, Praha
Ředitel: MUDr. Martin Hollý
1; Psychiatrické centrum Praha
Ředitel: Prof. MUDr. Cyril Höschl, DrSc. FRCPsych
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(3): 158-161
Of different specialties
Addiction in childhood and in adolescence developes much faster than in later years. Not surprisingly, therefore, data from the literature, which found the incidence of pathological gambling among adolescents and younger adults than in the general population. From the percpective of society as whole is therefore the most important to restrict access to gambling for children and adolescents and regulate gambling advertising in such a way as to operate on this highly vulnerable population.
Key words:
addiction, children, adolescents, craving, gambling.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2011 Issue 3
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