Group cognitive behavioural therapy of obesity in the primary prevention of metabolic syndrome
O. Lukešová 1; I. Hrnčiříková 1,2,3; M. Sebera 2; Z. Bartošová 1,3; V. Březková 1,3; H. Matějová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventivního lékařství – Lékařská fakulta MU, Brno
Přednostka: prof. MUDr. Zuzana Derflerová Brázdová, DrSc.
1; Fakulta sportovních studií MU, Brno
Děkan: doc. PhDr. Michal Charvát, CSc.
2; Poradna zdravého životního stylu – Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno
Vedoucí: MUDr. Milana Šachlová, CSc., Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(10): 563-567
Of different specialties
The basic task of prevention in persons who are overweight or obese is to prevent the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) and to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and early atherogenesis. Group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) of obesity is one possibility. The objective of the study was to verify the popular method of CBT and its positive effect on any basic parameters of MS in the short term (three months).
A group of 37 otherwise healthy obese or overweight females underwent three months CBT on obesity. Measures of the outcome included
– heightg
– bodyweight,
– body mass index (BMI),
– circumference of waist,
– blood pressure,
– levels of triglycerides (TG),
– HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), and
– blood glucose at the beginning and the end of therapy.
Statistical processing:
– statistical significance level alpha = 0.15,
– Wilcoxon test, size of effect,
#– Cohen’s d.
Statistically significant changes were observed in the following parameters:
– weight (the average decrease (ad) 5.6 kg, p <0001, d = 0.44),
– BMI (ad 2,00, p <0001, d = 0.49),
– circumference of waist (ad 5.7 cm, p <0001, d = 0.57),
– systolic blood pressure (ad 4.9 mm Hg, p = 0009, d = 0.38),
– diastolic blood pressure (ad 3.9 mm Hg, p = 0010, d = 0.51).
There were no significant changes in levels of TG, HDL-C and blood glucose in the group. In women with risk blood glucose values (N = 9) and/or HDL-C (N = 8), there was positive statistically and practically significant changes:
– blood glucose (ad 0,3 mmol/l, p = 0,017, d = 0.79),
– HDL-C (average increase 0,05 mmol/l, p = 0207, d = 0.42).
The results of this study suggest that a three-month group CBT in obese or overweight women leads to a statistically significant reduction of blood pressure and improvement of blood glucose values and HDL-C in women with risk levels of these parameters. Given the small number of respondents, it would appropriate to verify our findings in a larger sample of women or through a prospective study to determine the impact of this therapy on the development of MS.
Key words:
obesity, metabolic syndrome, cognitive behavioural therapy.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2009 Issue 10
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