Health Risk of Xenobiotics Modulating the Endocrine System. II. Human Health Implications and a Strategy of Prevention
De Rosa C. T.'; Pohl H. R.'; V. Bencko 2; P. Richter 3; Jones D. E.'
Authors‘ workplace:
IDivision of Toxicology, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2Ústav hygieny a epidemiologie 1. LF UK, Praha 3National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Heal
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2001; (11): 619-623
As a follow-up to the previous overview article, the implications of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals for human reproductive health are reviewed, with special emphasis on the potential for transgenerational effects in at-risk populations. Special attention is given to the possibility of joint toxic action of endocrine disruptors and interactions with other chemicals. Recommendations for future research include the development of (1) structural activity and in vino and in nitro functional toxikology methods to screen chemicals for their endocrine-disrupting ability, (2) biomarkers of exposure and effect, and (3) in situ sentinel systems. The subsequent upregulations or downregulations of physiological processes at critical stages of development are discussed, considering critical developmental stages in association with time-restricted transplacental or early postnatal exposures. The authors are interested in toxicological and epidemiological aspects of human exposures to endocrine disruptors and in possible preventive measures.
Key words:
xenobiotics - signal disruptors - biomarkers of exposure - reproduction -
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2001 Issue 11
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