Does Admission of a Relative with the Child Influence the Period of Hospitalization at a Paediatric Department?

Authors: P. Frühauf 1,2;  F. Schneiberg 2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství 1. LF UK, VFN, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. J. Hoza, CSc. 2Ústav humanitních studií v lékařství 1. LF UK, Praha, přednosta prof. PhDr. J. Vymětal, oddělení sociálního lékařství, vedoucí as. MUDr. F. Schneiberg 1
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2000; (11): 621-625


Analysis of data from 1998 revealed that children hospitalized at paediatric departments accompanied by relatives spent on average 1.3 days less in hospital. The authors discuss the fact that the contemporary method of refunding of accompanying members of the child patient does not stimulate health institutions to admit parents with the child because it is no advantage for them from the economic aspect (low refunding of per diem for accompanying members). A longer stay of the child in hospital without accompanying members is not desirable for health insurance companies. This is the reason why the refunding of treatment days for accompanying members should be changed.

Key words:
accompaniment of the child - hospitalization

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