Transcutaneous oxymetry – its contribution to diabetic management
Ľudovít Gašpar 1; Andrea Komorníková 1; Laura Slezáková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB, Nemocnica Staré Mesto, Bratislava
1; B. Braun Avitum s. r. o., Bratislava
Published in:
Forum Diab 2017; 6(3): 135-140
Transcutaneous oxymetry has several uses in angiological practice. It is possible to evaluate the severity of tissue ischemia, evaluate the acute and long-term effects of pharmacological, endovascular, surgical treatment, as well as kinesiotherapy. The method is also helpful in the decision-making process for the amputation height indication and determination and allows estimation of the postoperative course of healing of the amputation stump. The advantage of this method is also the possibility of using it in medial arterial calcification as this does not affect the TcPO2 values. Therefore, transcutaneous oxymetry has a specific role in diagnosing and determining the severity of diabetic foot syndrome, since medial arterial calcification is often present in this syndrome.
Key words:
diabetic foot syndrome, medial arterial calcification, transcutaneous oxymetry
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum

2017 Issue 3
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