The Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in Slovakia

Authors: Emil Martinka 1;  Marta Ondrejková 2,3;  Lucia Mikulová 1;  Michaela Mišaníková 1,4;  Monika Gajdošová 3;  Mária Praženicová 2;  Marianna Rončáková 1;  Silvia Dókušová 1;  Arash Davani 1
Authors‘ workplace: Národný endokrinologický a diabetologický ústav, Ľubochňa 1;  II. Očná klinika SZU , FNsP FDR, Banská Bystrica 2;  Očné centrum OFTAL, s. r. o., Zvolen 3;  Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK a UN Martin 4
Published in: Forum Diab 2016; 5(2): 87-93
Category: Topic


According to the National Center of Medical Information, the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in Slovakia is 19.9 %. Because this is less than average for Caucasians reported in literature (35.4 % for all diabetics, 77.3 % for Type 1, 25.2 % for Type 2 diabetes), we conducted an epidemiological survey.

Four sources of data were used. 1) Randomized multicenter epidemiological study (RMES) on out-patients with either Type1 (DM1T) or Type2 (DM2T) diabetes (S1), 2) RMES in out-patients with DM2T (S2), 3) RMES in patients with DM1T or DM2T hospitalized in diabetes center (DC) during the third quarter 2014 (S3) and 4) RMES in patients with DM1T or DM2T hospitalized in DC during the first quarter of 2015 (S4). In S1 and S2 the prevalence of DR was assessed using source documentation (SD). In S3 prevalence of DR was assessed using fundus photography (FP) performed in all patients. In S4 the prevalence of DR was assessed using SD and FP performed in those patients without relevant information regarding DR in source documentation. Results are given in tab. 1.

Total prevalence of DR in out-patients with all DM, DM1T, DM2T and hospitalized DM1T patients in Slovakia is lower than the average in the literature. In hospitalized DM2T patients the prevalence of DR was higher than average in literature. This was probably because the hospitalized DM2T patients were more complicated and had longer duration of DM.

Key words:
diabetes mellitus – diabetic retinopathy – prevalence


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