Pregnancy and diabetic retinopathy – screening and therapy: case report
Mária Molnárová
Authors‘ workplace:
VIKOM, s. r. o., 1. žilinské očné centrum, Žilina
Published in:
Forum Diab 2013; 2(3): 176-180
Main Theme: Case Report
Pregnancy can very adversely affect the formation or progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Fertile women with diabetes mellitus (DM) should be informed about risk of formation and progression of diabetic retinopathy during pregnancy. Also they should be educated about the importance of good glycemic control of diabetes and ocular finding before conception and during pregnancy. Ophtalmological examination and laser treatment of DR should be realized before conception and then in 1 trimester of pregnancy again. Further follow-up and possibly laser treatment will depend on the presence / absence of changes in terms of DR and its severity.
The case of our patient – planned pregnancy, improved glycemic control of DM and DR laser treatment before conception and during pregnancy enabled to stabilize diabetic retinopathy before pregnancy, maintain so called steady state of DR and normal visual function throughout whole pregnancy, after delivery, until now.
Key words:
diabetic retinopathy – laser treatment DR – pregnancy – screening DR
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum

2013 Issue 3
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