Insect and a dead man in his flat. Case report
Hana Šuláková 1; Jana Markvartová 2; Michal Beran 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Kriminalistický ústav Praha
1; Ústav soudního lékařství 2. LF UK a Nemocnice Na Bulovce, Praha
Published in:
Soud Lék., 58, 2013, No. 1, p. 2-5
Original Article
The case report illustrates a cooperation of the specialists in forensic medicine and forensic entomology using insect in estimation of the post mortem interval. It simultaneously presents less frequent consequence of the necrophagous fauna effect on the dead body condition, generally encountered in the Czech Republic only on corpses exposed for a long time in enclosed spaces.
post mortem interval – forensic – medicine – entomology – frass
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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner ToxicologyArticle was published in
Forensic Medicine
2013 Issue 1
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