The real firing wound of type of skull perforation and head penetration compared with the mathematical model of behaviour of FMJ pistol projectile of calibre of 6.35 mm Browning (25 Auto)

Authors: Juříček L.ihash2ihash4 1 2 3
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav bezpečnosti, Vysoká škola Karla Engliše, a. s. Brno, Ústav súdneho lekárstava, LF UK Bratislava, Neurochirurgická klinika, LF MU a FN Brno 1
Published in: Soud Lék., 56, 2011, No. 4, p. 50-52
Category: Original Article


Searching for the answer whether the bullet cal. 6.35 mm Browning (25 Auto) could entrance the human skull and stay inside without resting the head against the solid barrier inside the vehicle, forensic experts in the field of ammunition and wound ballistics used mathematical model of the monoogival pistol bulletęs velocity decrease through the penetration of the several type of human tissue due to physical and mechanical properties.

The result of the expertęs terminal ballistics task was the mathematical prediction of wound track length at the moment of bulletęs stop in the tissue. The results has been compared with the cases where the similar weapon system with the resembling energetic output has been used.

small caliber bullets – gunshot wounds – mathematical model – wound potential of the bullet – terminal ballistics – biological tissue – experimental ballistics


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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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