Issues of risky behaviours in university students
B. Spěváková 1; V. Boštíková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra toxikologie a vojenské farmacie, Vojenská lékařská fakulta Univerzity obrany Hradec Králové
1; Katedra epidemiologie, Vojenská lékařská fakulta Univerzity obrany Hradec Králové
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 73, 2024, č. 1, s. 12-20
Original Papers
Aim: Risk behaviour is typical of adolescence and young adulthood, but the consequences can persist for the rest of life – in all domains – physical, psychological, and social. Challenging situations, stress, as well as feelings of a lack of stimulation in an individual’s life are considered to be triggers for risky behaviours. Prevention therefore plays a crucial role. The aim of the study was to analyse the current situation in addictive and risky sexual behaviours in a group of university students.
Material and Methods: Between 2019 and 2022, students of universities in East Bohemia – University of Hradec Králové (UHK), Charles University (UK), University of Defence (UNOB), and University of Pardubice (UPCE) – were approached and asked to complete a questionnaire survey focused on addictive and risky sexual behaviours. Based on the search strategy, research hypotheses were constructed, which were subsequently developed into interview questions. The research hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s test. The questionnaire return rate was 84%. After eliminating invalid responses, 157 participants were included in the survey – 64% female, 36% male, age range 19–32 years.
Results: In the area of addictive behaviours, the focus was on substance and non-substance addictions. In terms of addictive substances, a question addressed cigarette smoking, which was reported by 14.6% of the survey participants. This is 50% less than what we see in the general population of the same age (by general population we mean the group of people approached for the surveys conducted, chosen by stratified random sampling based on age). In contrast, significantly higher rates of university students reported the use of illicit substances – marijuana, sedatives/tranquilizers without a doctor’s prescription, cocaine, or hallucinogens compared to the age-matched general population. In the area of risky sexual behaviours, a question was included
about sexual intercourse with casual acquaintances. It was experienced by one in four respondents. In 83.3%, this behaviour was influenced by the use of an addictive substance. The survey pointed to the high rates of salutoprotective factors (e.g. interest in sports was reported by 87.9% of respondents). Perceived social support from friends (reported by 74.5% of respondents) or family (reported by 72.6% of respondents) is a preventive factor for risky behaviours.
Conclusions: The aim of the survey was to determine the prevalence of high-risk addictive and sexual behaviours among university students and possible prevention measures. Salutoprotective factors during increased stress or awareness of social support seem to be of benefit. We assumed a protective effect of higher education, but this survey did not show it. On the contrary, the stress induced by university studies and the pressure on academic performance appeared to be a risk factor. The results of the survey provide insights into new approaches to the prevention to improve its effectiveness and point to major problems to be addressed in Czech university students.
risky behaviours – legal addictive substances – illegal addictive substances – non-substance addictions – risky sexual behaviours – prevention
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Publikace vznikla za podpory SV/FVZ202011.
Práce byla podpořena MO ČR Dlouhodobý plán rozvoje organizace 1011 – Zdravotnická problematika ZHN II Vojenské lékařské fakulty Hradec Králové Univerzity obrany (DZRO-FVZ22-ZHNII).
Do redakce došlo dne 1. 7. 2023.
Adresa pro korespondenci:
Mgr. Barbora Spěváková
Katedra toxikologie a vojenské farmacie,
Vojenská lékařská fakulta Univerzity obrany,
Třebešská 1575
500 02 Hradec Králové
Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology

2024 Issue 1
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