Prevalence and management of arterial hypertension in the population aged 25–64 in the Czech Republic with a focus on diabetic patients
V. Vejtasová 1; M. Lustigová 2,5; J. Urbanová 3; K. Žejglicová 2; J. Malinovská 4; D. Janíčková Žďárská 4; L. Brunerová 3; K. Kučera 6; J. Brož 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Kardiologická klinika 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha
1; Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha
2; Interní klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha
3; Interní klinika 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha
4; Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha
5; Klinikum Darmstadt GmbH, Darmstadt, Německo
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 70, 2021, č. 4, s. 247-252
Original Papers
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension and its awareness rate and control rate among diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in the Czech Republic between 25–64 years of age and to compare the results with those in age-matched non-diabetic patients.
Materials and methods: Blood pressure measurement data of 1 170 respondents (467 men and 703 women) obtained during the EHES study in 2014 were analysed. DM was diagnosed in 95 (8.2%) respondents (44 men and 51 women).
Results: Mean systolic blood pressure in DM patients was 130.7 ± 18.3 vs. 123.2 ± 16.8 mmHg in non-DM subjects (p < 0.001). The difference in diastolic blood pressure was on the borderline of statistical significance (82.2 ± 9.4 mmHg in DM vs. 80.0 ± 10.6 mmHg in non-DM subjects, p = 0.051). Among the study population, 69.5% of DM and 34.2% of non-DM subjects suffered from arterial hypertension (p < 0.001). The hypertension awareness rates were 87.9% in the DM group and 66.8 % in the non-DM group. (p = 0.001). The percentage of treated arterial hypertension was 94.8% in DM patients vs. 80.5% in the non-DM group (p = 0.010). The blood pressure target of < 140/90 mmHg was achieved in 47.3% of DM patients vs. 60.6% in non-DM subjects (p = 0.077). Using a blood pressure target of < 130/80 mmHg, adequate arterial hypertension control was achieved in only 29.1% of DM patients. When comparing the achievement of the blood pressure targets recommended for diabetic patients (< 130/80 mmHg) and non-DM patients (< 140/90 mmHg), the difference between these groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001) in favour of the non-diabetic group.
Conclusion: The study has shown the prevalence of arterial hypertension to be twice as high in DM patients aged 25–64 compared to the age-matched non-DM subjects in the Czech Republic. The adequate blood pressure control rate is significantly lower in DM patients than in the non-diabetic population. The study results indicate that the blood pressure targets recommended for diabetic patients (< 130/80 mmHg) are not always reached in clinical practice.
arterial hypertension – Czech population – diabetes mellitus – adequate blood pressure control
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Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology
2021 Issue 4
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- Prevalence and management of arterial hypertension in the population aged 25–64 in the Czech Republic with a focus on diabetic patients