West Nile virus (lineage 2) in mosquitoes in southern Moravia – awaiting the first autochthonous human cases
I. Rudolf 1,2; H. Blažejová 1; O. Šebesta 1,3; J. Mendel 1; J. Peško 1; L. Betášová 1; P. Straková 1; S. Šikutová 1; Z. Hubálek 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR, v. v. i., Květná 8, Brno
1; Ústav experimentální biologie, Masarykova univerzita, Brno
2; Krajská hygienická stanice Jihomoravského kraje se sídlem v Brně
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 67, 2018, č. 1, s. 44-6
Short Communication
Here we report repeated detection of lineage 2 West Nile virus (WNV-2) from Culex modestus and Cx. pipiens mosquitoes collected at fishponds in the Lednice-Valtice Area during the mosquito seasons 2015 and 2016. The WNV strains recovered share genetic homology with WNV strains isolated during an extensive monitoring in 2013 as well as with strains circulating in southern and central Europe at the same time. Repeated detection of WNV indicates its establishment in the area and also warns infection specialists and epidemiologists about possible emergence of human cases or even outbreaks of West Nile fever in the region.
West Nile virus – arboviruses – emerging zoonoses –mosquitoes – Culex pipiens – Culex modestus
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Allergology and clinical immunology Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDs Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiology LaboratoryArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology

2018 Issue 1
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