Occurrence and characteristic of Staphylococcus aureus in pork meat
I. Koláčková; K. Koukalová; R. Karpíšková
Authors‘ workplace:
Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství, v. v. i.
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 63, 2014, č. 3, s. 191-194
Review articles, original papers, case report
This study was conducted to evaluate the contamination of raw pork meat with Staphylococcus aureus in retail market and their ability to participate in the creation of foodborne intoxication. Strains were characterized by genotypic traits. Of the 197 samples examined 43 (21.8%) were found to be positive for the presence of S. aureus. Toxigennic properties were found in 21 (48.8%) isolates, the major enterotoxigennic gene found was seh (81%). All the S. aureus isolates were screened for resistance to antimicrobial agents by disk diffusion method and for mecA gene encoding resistance to meticillin. Two of the strains isolated in this study harboured the mecA gene (MRSA). The determination of sequence type 398 (ST398) has been confirmed in both MRSA isolates.
MRSA – detail – enterotoxins – resistance
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Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology

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