Health and Economic Benefitsof Compulsory Regular Vaccination in Slovak Republic. IV. Measles, Rubella andMumps
H. Hudečková 1; Š. Straka 2; M. Avdičová 3; Š. Rusňáková 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Odbor epidemiológie, Štátny zdravotný ústav, Martin 2 Ústav epidemiológie, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Martin 3 Odbor epidemiológie, Štátny zdravotný ústav, Banská Bystrica 4 Neštátne zdravotnícke zariadenie pre deti a dorast, Marti
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. , 2001, č. 1, s. 31-35
The epidemiological situation as regards measles, rubella and mumps in Slovakia before vaccinationand after its introduction in 1996, is analysed. On the basis of model costs of treatment of thesediseases before vaccination and costs of treatment in 1996 including costs of vaccination, the authorscalculated the total saved costs (549.7 mil. Sk), cost-effectiveness (10 680 Sk), as well as thecost-benefit.
Key words:
measles, rubella and mumps vaccination – saved costs – cost-effectiveness – cost-benefit.
Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology
2001 Issue 1
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