Integration of glycemic compensation markers, including glycemic variability in patients with diabetes mellitus
Oliver Viktor Rácz 1,2; Eva Lovásová 1; Jaroslava Nováková 1; Adriana Phillipiová 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav patologickej fyziológie LF UPJŠ v Košiciach
1; Fakulta zdravotníckych vied, Univerzita Miškolc/Miskolci Egyetem, Maďarsko
2; Diabetologická ambulancia DIADA s. r. o., Bardejov
Published in:
Diab Obez 2024; 24(47): 13-19
In the first part of the paper an analysis of the factors that are responsible for the variability of glycemia in health and in patients with diabetes mellitus is presented. This is followed by a critical analysis of older and newer indices used to assess glycemic fluctuations in diabetes mellitus and a list of the possible consequences of increased variability on the development of diabetes mellitus comorbidities from a clinical and a pathophysiological point of view. Finally, simplified models of glycemic variability and their perspective for the development of a simple index of short-term glycemic fluctuations as an integrated component of diabetic dysglycemia are presented.
glycemic variability – dysglycemia – glycemic compensation of diabetes mellitus
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Diabetology ObesitologyArticle was published in
Diabetes and obesity

2024 Issue 47
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