New technologies in diabetology of continuous monitoring – new options in the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Viera Doničová
Authors‘ workplace:
Poliklinika Juh – Neštátna diabetologická, interná a metabolická ambulancia, Košice
Published in:
Diab Obez 2019; 19(37): 27-31
Continuous glucose monitoring has been one of the most important achievements in diagnosing and treating diabetes over the past 20 years. While in the past the doctor would implement a treatment for a diabetic patient based on a single blood glucose value measured at the outpatient clinic and urine glucose testing, today we are able to obtain the value of glucose over time, thanks to the technology, in the form of o curve. On this curve we can monitor the effect of a specific food, physical movement, administered insulin, stress, and other factors that change blood glucose levels. It is of great benefit that we can see nocturnal hypoglycemia in sleep on the curve, unrecognized until now, which even the patient is sometimes not aware of.
Received 20. 4. 2019
Accepted 1. 5. 2019
insulin – hyperglycemia – artificial pancreas – continuous glucose monitoring – continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion – flash glucose monitoring – hypoglycemia – multiple daily injections – sensoraugmented pump – time in range TIR – type 1 diabetes – type 2 diabetes
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Diabetology ObesitologyArticle was published in
Diabetes and obesity

2019 Issue 37
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