Czecho-Slovak Pathology - Issue 1/2015
Reviews Article
Pathological evaluation of colorectal cancer specimens: advanced and early lesions
Annika Resch, Nora I. Schneider, Cord Langner
Hopes and pitfalls of the molecular classification of breast cancer
Aleš Ryška, Eva Hovorková, Folakemi Sobande, Tomáš Rozkoš, Jan Laco, Helena Hornychová
Neurofibromatosis von Recklinghausen type 1 (NF1) – clinical picture and molecular-genetics diagnostic
Bořivoj Petrák, Šárka Bendová, Jiří Lisý, Josef Kraus, Tomáš Zatrapa, Marie Glombová, Josef Zámečník
Original Article
Small cell type (Ewing-like) clear cell sarcoma of soft parts: a case report
Zdeněk Kinkor, Iveta Mečiarová, Petr Grossman, Tomáš Vaneček, Andrej Švec, Milan Kokavec
Short Communication
Mammary fibroadenoma with pleomorphic stromal cells
Najla Abid, Rim Kallel, Sameh Ellouze, Manel Mellouli, Naourez Gouiaa, Héla Mnif, Tahia Boudawara
Four bilateral synchronous benign and malignant kidney tumours: A case report
Afrodita Mustafa-Guguli, Jasna Bacalja, Šoip Šoipi, Borislav Spajić, Hrvoje Kokić, Božo Krušlin
Czecho-Slovak Pathology

2015 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Neurofibromatosis von Recklinghausen type 1 (NF1) – clinical picture and molecular-genetics diagnostic
- Pathological evaluation of colorectal cancer specimens: advanced and early lesions
- Mammary fibroadenoma with pleomorphic stromal cells
- Small cell type (Ewing-like) clear cell sarcoma of soft parts: a case report