Czech Urology - Issue 4/2014
Review article
Immunotherapy of prostate cancer
Jiřina Bartůňková, Radek Špíšek, Michal Podrazil, Ladislav Jarolím
Autonomic dysreflexia in patient after spinal cord injury
Vladimír Šámal, Jan Mečl
Use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and comparison with other modern imaging methods in the preoperative diagnosis of prostate cancer
Olga Dolejšová, Viktor Eret, Alžběta Šobrová, Jiří Ferda, Ondřej Hes, Milan Hora, Jiří Baxa
Ten commandments for novice congress speakers
Jan Hrbáček
Original article
Retrospective assessment of indication for surgical treatment of BPH in patients with cystolithiasis
František Chmelík, Kamil Belej, Oto Köhler, Ondřej Kaplan, Jiří Kočárek, Pavel Drlík, Šárka Brdlíková
Assessment of the efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy using a EMSE 140f Dornier Compact Sigma electromagnetic generator, and determination of the effective energy dose
Vít Paldus, Vladimír Šámal, Jan Mečl, Jiří Pírek
Evaluation of erectile dysfunction after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy
Marek Broul, Miroslav Štrbavý, Petr Skála
Case report
Primary amyloidosis of the ureter
Petr Plasgura, Tomáš Vaněk
Czech Urology

2014 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Extracoporeal shock wave lithotripsy in current urological practice
- Use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and comparison with other modern imaging methods in the preoperative diagnosis of prostate cancer
- Autonomic dysreflexia in patient after spinal cord injury
- Evaluation of erectile dysfunction after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy