Why it is important to vaccinate children against Tick-borne encephalitis?

Authors: Cabrnochová Hana
Authors‘ workplace: Očkovací centrum pro děti, Pediatrická klinika, 1. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova a Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2024; 79 (Supplementum 1): 17-20.
Category: Pediatric Protocols in Praxis
doi: https://doi.org/10.55095/CSPediatrie2024/029


The Czech Republic has the highest reported incidence of tick-borne encephalitis of all countries in the European Union, yet the vaccination rate is the lowest of all endemic countries. In 2020, the number of reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis increased to a record 856 cases and a corresponding incidence of 7.98 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The most affected age group in 2020 was the 60-64 age group, but a doubling of the number of reported diseases compared to the previous year was also observed in the youngest and pre-school children.

In 2021, a slight decrease in the number of cases was reported to 594, in 2022 it was again 710 cases and in 2023 a total of 514 cases. Comparing the last 5 years to 2022 with the period of the previous 5 years, there was a 38 % increase in the number of reported cases of the disease.

Clinical manifestations of tick-borne encephalitis in children are less typical compared to adults, they are usually milder, some diseases in children are not diagnosed. A growing number of foreign studies show that it is not a benign disease even in children. Between 12 % and 69 % of children experience cognitive impairment and headaches. Vaccination is a specific prevention against tick-borne encephalitis, an inactivated vaccine with high safety and efficacy parameters is available.

The vaccination rate in the Czech Republic rose to 40% in 2023, with the most significant increase recorded in age cohorts over 50, mainly due to the impact of the introduction of reimbursement in public health insurance from 2022. The impact of the disease and the increase in the number of cases in the youngest age categories in children, together with low vaccination coverage, should lead to an active offer of vaccination in children at a younger age.


vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis – vaccination coverage – tick-borne encephalitis in children


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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