Hairy Polyp of the Nasopharynx as the Cause of Dyspnoea in Neonates

Authors: J. Jakubíková 1;  P. Martanovič 2;  R. Staník 1
Authors‘ workplace: Detská otorinolaryngologická klinika LFUK, DFNsP a SPAM, Bratislava1 prednostka doc. MUDr. J. Jakubíková, CSc. Ústav patologickej anatómie LFUK, Bratislava2 prednosta prof. MUDr. Ľ. Danihel, CSc.
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2003; (6): 384-386.


Hairy polyps of the nasopharyngx are rare congenital tumoursmanifested after delivery by symptoms of acuterespiratory obstruction or difficult swallowing. The authors describe two cases of hairy polyp, one neonate withintermittent acute dyspnoea with facial stigmatization and congenital dysplasia, the second neonate with symptomsof gastrooesophageal reflux. These rare congenital tumours are pendular and may threaten the infant’s life. Theauthors present a review on congenital tumours of the nasopharynx and possibilities of prenatal diagnosis.According to most recent data and the used pathological terminology it would be better to divide congenitalnasopharyngeal tumours of neonates into 1. dermoid or teratoid tumours (formed by tissue of ectodermal andmesodermal origin without the presence of the neuroectodermal component where also hairy polyps belong),2. teratomas (formed by ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal, derivatives) which are classified according tothe degree of differentiation into mature - benign and immature - malignant and 3. epignathus also known as„foetus in foeto“.

Key words:
congenital teratomas and dermoids of the nasopharynx, histological classification, dyspnoea inneonates, dysphagia, GER

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