Epidermal Barrier in Atopic Dermatitis and Its Measurement by Transepidermal Water Loss Meter
Z. Kozáčiková; E. Březinová
Authors‘ workplace:
I. dermatovenerologická klinika FN u sv. Anny v Brně a LF MU
prednosta prof. MUDr. Vladimír Vašků, CSc.
Published in:
Čes-slov Derm, 89, 2014, No. 2, p. 65-69
Clinical and laboratory Research
Atopic dermatitis is a multi-factorial disease arising from the interplay of strong genetic and environmental factors, metabolic and immunologic mechanisms and defect of epidermal barrier. This article is focused on epidermal barrier dysfunction in atopic dermatitis and possibilities of its objective measurement with TEWL meter.
Key words:
atopic dermatitis – epidermal barrier – transepidermal water loss (TEWL)
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Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Dermatology

2014 Issue 2
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