Primarily Dermal CD30-Positive (CD30+) Lymphoproliferative Disease: Papulosis Lymphomatoides

Authors: E. Minariková 1;  L. Plank 2;  J. Péč 1;  P. Szépe 3;  V. Strmeňová 4
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dermatovenerológie Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice a Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, Martin prednosta doc. MUDr. Juraj Péč, CSc. 2Konzultačné centrum bioptickej diagnostiky ochorení krvotvorby Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice, Ma 1
Published in: Čes-slov Derm, , 2001, No. 3, p. 135-137


The authors present the case of a 30-year-old patient with primary CD30+ T-cell lymphoproliferative disease of the PL type, persisting for almost 3 years situated at first on the dorsum of the left hand and later also on the ulnar site of the left forearm terated successfully, as regards the first focus, by for PL recommended local PUVA therapy and in the second case on account of primary dermal CD30-positive T-lymphoproliferative disease by recommended actinotherapy.Based on the presented case the authors analyze in detail the histomorphological and clinical picture of the two lesions using expression CD30+, evidence of ALK-1 (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) and cytogenetic evidence of translocation of t(2;5) (p23;q35).The authors present also the newly recommended WHO classification for the group of primary CD30+ dermal lymphomas. In the conclusion they emphasize the very close relationship of primary dermal CD30+ T-lymphoproliferative diseases and papulosis lymphatoides and their favourable prognosis.

Key words:
populosis lymphomatoides - CD30+ T-lymphoproliferative disease - CD30+ expression - ALCL - PUVA therapy - actinotherapy

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