Concomitant Sarcoidosis and Psoriasis
J. Jautová; M. Bílá; D. Jarčušková; K. Benečová
Authors‘ workplace:
Kožná klinika LF UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice
Published in:
Čes-slov Derm, , 2000, No. 3, p. 120-123
The authors present the case of a 53-year-old female patient who developed concurrently sarco-idosis and psoriasis despite the clinical, genetic and immunological difference of the two conditions.In 1993 the patient was treated with antimalarical preparations on account of sarcoidosis of theskin in the face. Her immunological profile was normal. After one year when the condition was notyet cured she discontinued treatment on her own decision. A relapse occurred in spring 1996 whensarcoidosis appeared in the scar and due to the incomplete treatment of sarcoidosis of the facea deficiency of the cellular immunity component developed. Half a year after the relapse of sarcoi-dosis the patient developed psoriasis which is also characterized by deficiency in the T lymphocytesystem.In the conclusion the authors point out that the common feature of the two conditions is that intheir pathogenesis different immunity disorders are involved which may be the cause of theirdevelopment. Sometimes it is difficult to assess whether these immunological changes are the causeor consequence of psoriasis or sarcoidosis.
Key words:
psoriasis - sarcoidosis - immunological aspects
Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Dermatology
2000 Issue 3
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