Parasitic leiomyoma – a case report and review of the literature
K. Hlinecká 1; A. Richtárová 1; Z. Lisá 1; D. Kužel 1; Hanáček J. 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
1; Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, Praha
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2021; 86(6): 400-405
Case Report
Objective: The aim of this study is to report a case of parasitic leiomyoma in a brief literature report. Case report: A 40-year-old woman was repeatedly examined for chronic abdominal pain in 2020. Lesions presented on CT images showed suspicion of carcinomatosis or endometriosis. Her past history is a laparoscopic myomectomy and hysteroscopic transcervical resection of myoma. Conclusion: Parasitic leiomyoma or leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata is an extremely rare variant of uterine leiomyoma occurring outside the uterus. According to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetric classification, parasitic leiomyoma has been classified as type 8. Previous laparoscopic myomectomy with intraperitoneal morcellation has been implicated in its etiology. The most common symptom – if present, is abdominal pain, pressure, bloating during eating or nausea.
parasitic leiomyoma – intraperitoneal morcellation – leiomyomatosis
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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