Thyroid Disease in the Pregnancy and Hypotrophy of Newborns
V. Vargová 1; V. Mechírová 2; M. Pytliak 3; M. Tajtáková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interná klinika FN LP a UP JŠ, Košice, prednosta doc. MUDr. P. Mitro, PhD.
1; I. interná klinika FN LP a UP JŠ, Košice
2; Ústav pre bakalárske a magisterské štúdiá, LF UP JŠ, Košice
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2008; 73(1): 41-46
The aim:
The aim of this study was to compare thyroidal status of mothers who delivered newborns with hypotrophy and mothers with healthy newborns.
Type of the study:
One-time cross-sectional study.
3rd internal clinic FN LP, Košice.
We examined 56 mothers with hypotrophic newborns and 76 mothers with healthy newborns. The protocol included anamnesis, basic physical examination, ultrasonography of the thyroid, assessment of the mother’s plasma fT4, TSH and anti-TPO levels, and comparison of the birth weight and birth length of the newborns. The results were statistically processed by PC programs StatsDirect 2.6.2 and MS Excel 2000.
The thyroid volume was significantly greater in mothers with hypotrophic newborns as in the control group (p<0.001). The birth weight and birth length was significantly lower in hypotrophic newborns (p<0.0001 resp. p<0.0001). Mothers with hypotrophic newborns had significantly higher TSH levels (p<0.0001) and higher anti-TPO levels (p<0.0001) as mothers in the control group. We found no differences in the fT4 levels in these groups.
Thyroid disease of the mother can contribute to the hypotrophy of the newborns.
Key words:
thyroid, hypotrophy, IUGR, autoantibodies
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2008 Issue 1
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