L. Somolová; Z. Zapletalová; M. Rosa; B. Novotná; I. Voborná; Y. Morozova
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika zubního lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého a Fakultní nemocnice, Olomouc
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 121, 2021, 4, s. 116-124
Review Article
Introduction: In modern endodontics, there is a constant development of new procedures and requirements for high-quality and reliable materials to fill the root canal system are rising. A few years ago, a new types of calcium silicate-based root canal sealers were launched on the market, which could meet most of the parameters of a perfect sealing material. Newer generations of these sealers contain calcium phosphate and are also referred to in the literature worldwide as bioceramic sealers.
Aim of the article: The aim of this article is to present the characteristics of this group of sealers and to outline their chemical, physical and biological properties. Bioceramicbased root canal sealers have many characteristics in common with the original material MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate). They are similar to its chemical composition and setting reaction. They are hydrophilic and able to set in humid environments. In contact with the dentin, hydroxyapatite crystals are deposited on the surface, thus enhancing the sealing ability of the root canal. Considering their physical characteristics, they are volumetrically stable and there is even a slight expansion during material setting. Humidity of the environment and high water sorption promote the biomineralization processes, and contribute to a better seal of the root canal. The flowability of the material allows to fill the entire space of the root canal, even including its irregularities. Biocompatibility, wound healing ability and minimal cytotoxicity make this type of sealer suitable for permanent contact with periodontal tissues, where prolonged release of calcium ions promotes regeneration. High pH value during material setting result in an antimicrobial effect. They have sufficient X-ray contrast for clinical use, but depending on the radiopaque additive used, they show a tendency to discoloration of hard dental tissues. A relatively disadvantageous features are increased solubility, porosity and water absorption. However, due to the dynamic and bioactive nature of these sealers, these adverse properties may not be significant for the success of treatment in clinical practice. The mechanical properties of most bioceramic sealers are generally negatively affected by heat. Due to this fact, cold obturation methods are recommended for bioceramic-based sealers.
Conclusion: The outcomes of clinical and experimental studies generally highlight the beneficial properties and reliability of this group of sealers. They suggest promising results not only in specialized endodontic practices.
properties – bioceramic sealer – calcium silicate-based sealer – root-canal sealer
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Czech Dental Journal

2021 Issue 4
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