Surgical Treatment of Periodontal Intrabony Defects with Calcium Sulphate in Combination with Beta Tricalcium Phosphate (Original Article – Clinical Observation Two Years Post-Surgery)
S. Sukumar 1; I. Dřízhal 1; V. Paulusová 1; J. Bukač 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Stomatologická klinika LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové
1; Oddělení lékařské biofyziky LF UK, Hradec Králové
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 118, 2018, 2, s. 48-55
Review Article
The study was designed to evaluate the clinical results of a composite material beta-tricalcium phosphate in combination with calcium sulphate in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. The combination of these materials is believed to aid in guieded tissue regeneration owing to their properties.
Material and methods:
A total of 47 teeth with intrabony defectsin in 26 periodontitis patiens were treated with Forthoss® Vital (Biocomposites, Staffordshiere, UK). Clinical parameters were evaluated included changes in probing depth, clinical attachement levels loss and gingival recession at the baseline and two years postoperatively.
Results and conslusion:
The mean in differences in mesurements between the baseline and two years postoperatively were a reduction of 2.07 ± 0.14 mm (p = 0.000) in case of probing depth and gain of 1.93 ± 1.36 mm (p = 0.000) in clinical attachement level; but an increase of 0.14 ± 0.73 mm (p = 0.571) in gingival recession. The study results showing that the treatment with the combination of beta-tricalcium phosphate and calcium phosphate and calcium sulphate led to a significantly favorable clinical improvement in periodontal intrabony defects two years after the surgery.
beta-tricalcium phosphate – calcium sulphahate – periodontal regeneration – intrabony defekt – bone graft
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Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal

2018 Issue 2
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