Burning Mouth Syndrome

Authors: E. Ďurovič;  M. Riznič;  A. Konečná
Authors‘ workplace: SKZL – Regionálna komora zubných lekárov, výbor pre vzdelávanie, Košice
Published in: Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 117, 2017, 3, s. 40-43
Category: Review Article


In this review the authors describe changes in terminology of glosodynia and stomatodynia that are now common under the term „burning mouth syndrome“. In literature, it can be found abbreviated as BMS.

A list of assumed etiological factors can be found in this paper. These factors are divided into local, systematic, psychological, neurological and idiopatical.

In conclusion, the authors stress the professional complexity of BMS and its gradual inclusion among atypical pains. Cooperation of professionals from other medical disciplines is essential for a proper diagnosis and successful therapy.

burning mouth syndrome – stomatodynia – atypical pain


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Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicine
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