Functional Foods and Functional Food Components in Prevention of Dental Karies
Z. Broukal; E. Lenčová; J. Dušková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav klinické a experimentální stomatologie 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 113, 2013, 5, s. 126-133
Review Article
The review article describes historical context of functional foods and functional food components, which, in addition to their nutritional value, show a positive effect on human health.
Research and practical usage of functional foods play role in the prevention and treatment of different diseases. Some of them may be beneficial in the prevention of dental decay. Anticariogenic potential of these substances has been tested in vitro, in experiments on animal models and in humans in situ and in vivo. In vitro studies monitor the effects of food components on growth, production of acids and adherence of microorganisms to hard dental structures in isolated microbial strains and in experimental biofilm model. As caries in situ model samples of hard dental tissues are being used, mounted into acrylic appliances and placed in the oral cavity of volunteers. Alternatively, there are clinical studies focusing on caries increment after the inclusion of investigational food components or placebo into diet. Of the substances present in plants and fruits, attention is drawn to polyphenols, flavonoids and procyanidins, which inhibit metabolism of microorganisms and glycosyltranspherase of cariogenic organisms, thus deteriorating their adherence to the tooth surface. A similar mechanism is ascribed to phosphate esters of carbohydrates, present in bee honey, propolis and also in non-refined sugar syrups of sugar beet and sugar cane. Replacement sweeteners, such as sugar polyalcohols and especially xylitol have been found to reduce cariogenic potential in many laboratory studies and clinical trials. Attention is also paid to the beneficial effect of food preservatives, benzoate, sorbate, sulphite and nitrite, which reduce the viability of cariogenic bacteria. Milk and milk products are sources of bioactive peptides and among them calcium salts of casein, casein glycomacropeptide and phosphopeptids seem to be very perspective. Probiotic microorganisms Lactobactillus reuteri, L. LG and other lactobacilli and bifidobacteria show favourable effect in the regulation of microbial community in the oral cavity.
The research on functional foods and functional food components in relation to the oral health is very intensive. Many of the investigational substances may eventually be implemented in comprehensive strategies for the prevention of tooth decay as adjuncts to an effective oral hygiene and safe nutrition.
Key words:
functional foods – dental caries prevention – cariogenic microorganisms
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Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal

2013 Issue 5
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